Shilo and Dream

Shilo and Dream

Sunday, May 26, 2013

DVD review - We Will Miss You

We Will Miss You - support for grieving the death of a pet.

When I first started to view this video I wasn't sure how it would help someone in a grieving state.  As the video continued I did come to realize that it did have value.  There are professional people talking about their journey of when their pet passed.  It is heart felt and has good resources.  Everyone expresses that you go at your own pass in your own way.  Having had many animal friends and family that have passed on through different ways, I reflected on how I felt and how this video would have helped.  This is a good video to watch in the first stages of grief because you are so tender and vulnerable. It's also short, 30 minutes.

This gets 3 1/2 paws out of 4

Jefferson County Public Library


Here are a few pet loss grief and support links - there are many online just put into your search animal grief support. Blessings.

Association for Pet Loss

Pet Loss Net

Pet Loss Grief Support

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What is Self Healing?

Self healing is a process of recovery, a place where the body is able to draw on it's own natural resources to heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  As a facilitator, I guide the "body" into a place where it can access the natural in-born rhythms that have been "knocked" out of place from some form of event in the life of the animal and/or the people in their lives.  This is accomplished through interspecies communications,  different modalities of healing energy therapies and complementary support.