Shilo and Dream

Shilo and Dream

Setting up an Appointment

Please email me at to set up an appointment.
Tell me your name and your email and your phone number.
I will need to know your location to help me do distant work.
I will need a picture of your pet, preferably with them looking into the camera.
Please briefly tell me what you need from a session.
I accept Visa and MasterCard. I will get that information from you when we have the session.

Animal Sessions
 1 hour sessions $60
 Sessions can include but not limited to Animal Communication and other modality work. The modality that is used is based on what is needed at the time; it always starts with Animal Communication.

People Sessions
 1 1/2 hour sessions $160
These sessions are put into place to help the pet parent work on issues as well. More times than not as in human relationships there is more than one side to the story. When working with both the human and the animal there is a symbiotic "healing" that takes place. Animals and people can have many of the same modalities used. People are more complexed in their issues than animals are.

Access Bars Sessions for people
 1 1/2 hour session $160
You simply lay down and relax while I lightly touch 32 different points on you head.

There are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head that connect to different aspects of your life. We call all of the points you touch when using this modality “The Bars.”
They store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything.
For example; every thought you have ever had about money that you considered important, the energy of that thought is stored in the Bar called "money."
There are Bars for healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, aging, sex and money; 32 different ones in all. Each Bar corresponds with that aspect or area of your life that it is named.
In the near future I will be offer Death Doula for pets and their people services.

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