Shilo and Dream

Shilo and Dream

My Credentials

Specialize in Northern and spitz type breeds of dogs
Official training:
Access Consciousness Bar Practitioner - training with Tina Elkowich,
Pet Tech ® Certified Instructor for Pet CPR First Aid & Pet Care #1795 - trained by Lisa Faust, Dawn Olson
Healing Touch for Animal ® - Practitioner - trained by originator Carol Komitor
Animal Communications and other related training - trained with Asia Voight, Terri O'Hara, Joan Ranquet & seminars with Amelia Kinkade and Lorraine May
Tellington TTouch ® for Companion Animals (practioner in training) - trained by Linda Tellington-Jones
Currently enrolled in an intensive course -Aromatherapy for Animals and Humans - in training with Frances Cleveland
Numerous official dog training classes in obedience and confirmation.
Shamanic Studies - trained by Renna Shesso
Additional Training and experiences:
Seminars and tons of independent research in multiple areas of study
Ordained Minister since 2011 Universal Life Church
Metaphysical training - Robert Blond
Training in NLP with Tony Robbins
Past American Red Cross Disaster Services as Family Safety and Survival Instructor
To date my animal experiences:
I have lived with 30 plus dogs (Cocker Spaniel, Alaskan Malamutes, Siberian Huskies, Samoyeds, Lab mixes and Shiba Inus), 4 birds (Parakeet, Canaries, domestic white duck, Ring Neck Dove), 3 turtles (Red Ear and Box), several gold fish, many frogs. Plus all my babysitting of dogs & cats, a horse and multiple animal rescues. All have been my teachers! And my clients - both animal, plant and human.
Spontaneous inter-species communications with wild life and plants.
In my younger years, 4-H and a volunteer fire fighter and EMT.

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